Only through continuous learning can we hope to maintain the highest level of professional excellence, meeting the needs of our clients as caregivers. It is recognized that the success of our organization depends on all staff, whatever their role, having the relevant skills, knowledge, and competencies. The Maharat Professional Development Center recognizes that professional development is fundamental to its success.

We provide a variety of professional training for teachers, school shadows, learning support assistant and behavioral therapists to ensure the successful inclusion of our children. Training can be requested at your venue or at our location. Our professional courses include Registered Behavioral Technician RBT, Learning Support Training course, Inclusive Education for teachers, advanced Behavioral therapy training.

Course List

1. Basic Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers
2. Learning Support Assistant and School Shadow Professional training
3. Creating a Comfortable Classroom for Individuals with Unique Learning Styles
4. Creating Individual Education Plans
5. Visual Schedules for successful routines
6. Token Economy Systems for behavior modification
7. Prompting and Fading Techniques for Behavior Modifications
8. Reinforcement Use for Teaching and Behavior Modification
9. Improve Pragmatic Understanding & Improve Socialization
10. Teaching Non-Vocal Individuals using Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
11. Using Technology for Learning & Communication

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