Autism iHelp - Language Concepts is designed to help students learn concepts needed for language development. The app has two levels of play. First, the user is shown photographs of objects and a concept is presented. Then, the user must choose the correct picture that best describes that concept.
The app allows the therapist to choose options of play, such as the number of choices presented (2, 3,or 4), whether the question and answers are printed and what type of voice is used. Level 1 has four sets of concepts: descriptive words, places, categories and colors. In addition, there are two “What does not belong” activities and one set of questions that combines all the concepts. Level 2 presents two activities for finding a pair, finding the group and finding all in a group. Each activity has 8 questions.
The app can be downloaded for free with one activity for each level. Additional activities cost $2.99 for each level.
Autism iHelp - Language Concepts was reviewed with elementary age children with autism and developmental delay. Children easily recognized the photographs of the objects and participated with interest. Users must remember to move to the next page after the correct answer is given. Therapist can increase the difficulty level by choosing more answer chooses. A tally score was not kept during the play.
Suggested IEP goals: Identify basic comparison vocabulary Identify basic vocabulary relating to size, color, shape, quantity, quality Increase vocabulary through categorization of words by class, function or attribute Identify similarities and differences between pairs or groups of objects
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