AutisMate is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app designed to assist users who have difficulty communicating verbally. This app functions similarly to other available AAC apps, utilizing symbols and pictures to help users articulate thoughts. AutisMate, however, includes a unique functionality that allows the creation and tagging of real-world “Scenes.” Users can take pictures of surrounding environments and tag “hotspots” which, when pressed, open a menu containing common phrases associated with the hotspot. These hotspots can also play video, show a picture, or a present a multitude of other customizable options. Additionally, users can create “visual schedules,” which are comprised of images representing daily tasks and routines, shown in chronological steps. The app is easy to operate for young children, however, customizing and personalizing the app may require some parental help, as use of the app is recommended for children ages 5 and up.
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