- Reading Magic
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- Letter Reflex
- ABC Joined Up
- Hairy Letters
- Pocket Phonics
- School Writing
- Prizmo
- Text Grabber
- Office Lens
- Read Iris
- KNFB Reader
- Captura Talk
- Snap Type
- Claro Scanpen
- Claro PDF
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- Marvin
- Voice Dream Reader
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- Speak It
- Book Creator
- Story Creator
- Our Story for Ipad
- Creative Book Builder
- Comic Life
- Audible
- Me Books
- Clicker Books
- The Three Pandas
- Toy Story Read Along
- Phonic Genius
- Word Wizard for Kids
- Ditty Reading
- Reading Comprehension Elementary Level
- Take a look at my Canva design!
- Vocabulary Activities Fruit
- It takes two to talk part 1
- Question Flip Book-1
- Question-Word-Posters
The Most Powerful Photo Comic Creation App Available.
"Of the comic book apps I’ve used, Comic Life, [...], has the most features and works best on an iPad because of the bigger screen... I love the way the app allows you to edit tiny details, from the shape and style of word bubbles to the size and placement of each story cell." - Kit Eaton, The New York Times
- Introducing an integrated Script Editor*, next generation image filters and built in Instant Alpha tool.
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- Dozens of fully customizable templates.
- Everything you need at your fingertips: speech balloons, photo filters, comic lettering, templates, shapes, shadows and effects.
Link: Download