Book Cover: DayCape

DayCape is an app that allows therapists, teachers, parents, and even the child themselves to set up visual schedules. Benefiting grades pre-k through 5th, this app is an excellent way to help children with a variety of disabilities to manage their day.

The app allows a user to set up activities for for the child using pre-set pictures, or by uploading personalized images. Once the activities are set up, notifications show up on the child's device to remind them of the activities they have been assigned.

This app was trialed with a child diagnosed with ADHD. The child enjoyed the app and even took an active part by asking for a morning routine to be added. During the trial a few glitches were noted at times, but overall, the app appeared to be very useful to a variety of populations that benefit from the use of visual schedules.

Children with a variety of disabilities such as ADHD, ASD, Down syndrome, learning disability, cognitive disability, and speech and/or language disorder may benefit from this app.


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