Book Cover: First Phrases

From "In my opinion, the full version is a must-have for parents of children working on increasing expressive vocabulary, as well as the therapists and teachers who support their learning. First phrases is creative, utilizes the iPad’s features in effective ways, and is engaging for young children. Highly recommended."


This interactive, beautifully illustrated and animated app for the iPAD is perfect for the toddler or speech-delayed child who is learning how to put two or three words together or any child who is learning basic English phrases. It provides many opportunities to both hear (receptive), see, and say/record (expressive) 72 different verb + noun combinations, such as: eat the carrot, blow the bubble, ride the bike, throw the ball, sleep on the bed, put away the toys, and more. Check out your YouTube video for a demonstration of this app:

Link: Download

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