- Reading Magic
- Bitsboard
- Writing Wizard
- Letter Reflex
- ABC Joined Up
- Hairy Letters
- Pocket Phonics
- School Writing
- Prizmo
- Text Grabber
- Office Lens
- Read Iris
- KNFB Reader
- Captura Talk
- Snap Type
- Claro Scanpen
- Claro PDF
- PDF Expert
- Adobe Reader
- iAnnotate
- Good Reader
- Blio
- Kindle
- iBooks
- Easy Reader
- Marvin
- Voice Dream Reader
- Speechify
- Claro Speak
- Capti Voice
- Speak Selection
- Speak Screen
- Speak It
- Book Creator
- Story Creator
- Our Story for Ipad
- Creative Book Builder
- Comic Life
- Audible
- Me Books
- Clicker Books
- The Three Pandas
- Toy Story Read Along
- Phonic Genius
- Word Wizard for Kids
- Ditty Reading
- Reading Comprehension Elementary Level
- Take a look at my Canva design!
- Vocabulary Activities Fruit
- It takes two to talk part 1
- Question Flip Book-1
- Question-Word-Posters
ABC MAGIC READING Short Vowel Words can help your child’s future reading success.
ABC MAGIC READING gives your child key reading skills practice.
ABC MAGIC stays committed to time tested phonics principles, to techniques proven to be successful. Besides the reading feature, there are two skill building programs added that almost all other programs overlook-blending and segmenting.
ABC MAGIC READING will give your child solid and direct experience with letters and sounds to help build their phonemic awareness skills.
ABC MAGIC READING will help improve your child’s phonological processing ability guiding them towards becoming a good reader.
ABC MAGIC READING can help give your child strong foundations in reading that can assist them to stay on the winning side in school and life.
ABC MAGIC READING includes games that will help your child experience blending and segmenting, which are the most essential pre-reading skills that language researchers talk about.
The categories and levels of ABC MAGIC READING will provide meaningful challenges to strengthen your child’s phonemic awareness.
ABC MAGIC READING also has built in features to discourage picture guessing and to instead encourage reading skills.
ABC MAGIC READING is great for young children learning beginning reading skills.
ABC MAGIC READING is also good for those learning the foundations of English as their second language.
A team of educators using accelerated learning techniques and Montessori principles developed this fun app, which your child will enjoy using as they learn. It has been tested and successfully used with preschoolers.
Link: Download